About Us


Project Implementation

UNEP being the lead implementation partner, project implementation is in accordance with UNEP rules and regulations and the UN modus operandi of ensuring interventions are demand driven, being responsive to country priorities. Consequently, the implementation strategy is premised on a country driven approach where entry into countries is through the Ministry of Environment, as the anchor helping to align project with the strategic vision of the country as well as its development processes frameworks. Through the Environment Ministry as hub, the project reaches out to other policy level stakeholders in Ministries of Agriculture, Energy, Industry, forestry, infrastructure, stakeholders in academia, private sector, resident UN agencies, NGOs, CSOs engaged with aspects of LEDS planning and implementation and modelling covered by this project. 

To facilitate these cross-cutting, multi-level partnerships, inclusive policy-action frameworks are being leveraged to mobilize and convene implementation partners in countries. These build country teams which take the lead in implementation of activities in the country.

The Africa LEDS project is supporting Low Emissions Development (LEDS) in Africa in the context of respective socio-economic development priorities as stipulated in country development visions & strategies and encapsulated in their respective INDCs. Africa,

Contact Us

Africa Low Emissions Development strategies (Africa-LEDS)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Africa Office

P.O. Box 30552 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Email: info@africaleds.org

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