About Us


Project Objectives

The overall objective of the project is to assist African countries in developing local knowledge and expertise to formulate, establish necessary implementation capacity and implement concrete LEDS policies and plans for low emission, climate-resilient, and resource efficient socio-economic development consistent with implementation of their respective INDCs. Specific objectives include to:

  • Strengthen networking and peer-to-peer exchange and learning and support on shared LEDS issues across African countries as highlighted in INDCs and enhancing regional cooperation in communicating the co-benefits of action by countries to pursue climate resilient low emission development paths.
  • Develop local research capacity knowledge and expertise and a related evidence base on the economic, social, and environmental benefits of low emission development, conducting programs to communicate these benefits to political leaders and stakeholders, supporting development and implementation of low emission, climate-resilient action plans towards actualizing INDC commitments.
  • Engage the partner countries in training and peer exchange with other African countries that are leaders in this area.
The Africa LEDS project is supporting Low Emissions Development (LEDS) in Africa in the context of respective socio-economic development priorities as stipulated in country development visions & strategies and encapsulated in their respective INDCs. Africa,

Contact Us

Africa Low Emissions Development strategies (Africa-LEDS)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Africa Office

P.O. Box 30552 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Email: info@africaleds.org

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