The Africa LEDS project is supporting Low Emissions Development (LEDS) in Africa in the context of respective socio-economic development priorities as stipulated in country development visions & strategies and encapsulated in their respective INDCs. Africa,
- Hits: 2125
Cameroon modelling scoping meeting
- Hits: 2737
Cameroon Inception workshop
- Hits: 10047
D.R. Congo Inception workshop
- Hits: 1355
Cote D'ivoire Inception workshop
- Hits: 2252
Ghana modelling scoping meeting
- Hits: 18115
EU-UNEP Africa LEDS AMCEN Breakfast Session
Contact Us
Africa Low Emissions Development strategies (Africa-LEDS)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Africa Office
P.O. Box 30552 00100
Nairobi, Kenya