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Peer learning and lessons exchanges
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Africa Low Emissions Development strategies (Africa-LEDS)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Africa Office
P.O. Box 30552 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: info@africaleds.org
focused on peer leaning and lessons exchanges to ensure continental wide replication and upscaling of the project results. The project brought together countries at the continent-wide level under an AFOLU-focused community of practice (CoP) to share lessons from the project and catalyse implementation of key climate actions. The CoP focused on learning in three dimensions: modelling methods and tools, linking across agriculture and small-scale energy solutions, and use of modelling to inform national policies. This component of the project focused on peer learning and knowledge exchange on successful and innovative approaches arising from the project. This learning and knowledge sharing occurred both among project countries and across the African continent.
This peer learning is one of the key offshoots of this project that will continue beyond the project cycle and will be anchored through partnerships that share and upscale project lessons continentally. In addition, a project closeout meeting which doubled as a peer exchange and experience sharing meeting with participating and non-participating countries was held in 30 – 31st May 2019 to highlight experiences, lessons and impacts of the project across partners and beyond the project partners.
Africa Low Emissions Development strategies (Africa-LEDS)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Africa Office
P.O. Box 30552 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: info@africaleds.org