
Progress Reports

Annual progress report as at September 2017

Context: In incentivizing countries to implement their objectives under the Paris Agreement on climate change as set out in their respective nationally determined contributions (NDCs), this project is supporting countries in establishing an implementation framework that maximizes leading social and economic priorities simultaneously with climate mitigation and resilience building for low-emission development. The framework combines strategic policy planning in respective NDC priority sectors with analytical models that extrapolate the long-term effect of implementing alternate NDC policy decisions. The aim is to provide policymakers with decision-making tools that will enable them to prioritize investment trajectories that simultaneously maximize both the socioeconomic and climate effects of NDC implementation to unlock low-emission development. This is unlike business-as-usual investments that fail to meet this threshold. By this means, private investment in clean business will be attracted and market-driven sustainability will be entrenched in climate actions in Africa.


Download the full report below



The Africa LEDS project is supporting Low Emissions Development (LEDS) in Africa in the context of respective socio-economic development priorities as stipulated in country development visions & strategies and encapsulated in their respective INDCs. Africa,

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Africa Low Emissions Development strategies (Africa-LEDS)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

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